Jun 30, 2012

tea set pouch

tea set pouch
coming soon

hihihihihi and keep in circle with me

Jun 22, 2012

june giveaway with ideku handmade

hello hello
yeayy its time to giveaway again pals :)
this giveaway is collabs with ideku handmade :)
and to all of you who wants to participate, just simply click here
and follow the rules

ps : put your comment on ideku handmade's blog ya

i'll give you 1 bag and 2 pouches for 3 lucky readers :)

How to get the prize?
1. Follow Ideku Handmade Blog
2. Follow Ideku Handmade Twitter
3. Follow Hayano Handmade Blog
4. Follow Hayano Handmade Twitter
5. Leave a comment about Hayano Handmade and don't forget to put your email on it
6. Put the button on your sidebar
7. Repost about this giveaway as much as you can

The 2nd June Giveaway is open for Indonesian resident only. And I will sellect the winners randomly on June 30, 2012.


for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

Jun 21, 2012

pulau indonesia the plushie

haloo semuaa :)
bulan agustus tahun lalu dalam rangka memperingati dirgahayu indonesia saya sempat membuat plushie pulau indonesia tetapi dalam versi pulau-pulau besarnya saja
pulau-pulau kecil seperti bali, lombok, komodo, maluku dll masih absen karena terlalu kecil :p #alasaaan :p
dann sekarang tetap dengan warna merah, tapi kali ini dikombinasikan dengan warna putih agar terlihat seperti bendera indonesia, dilengkapi dengan pulau2 kecil lainnya bali, lombok, komodo, kep. maluku, kep. nusa tenggara :)
yapp masih minus pulau2 yang lebih kecil lagi seperti riau kepulauan, karimun, kepulauan seribu


for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com


wanna update some of new arrival bags
with bold pattern
{ except the grey skull pattern }
enjoy !!


------------------------------------------------------ for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

Jun 14, 2012

mini bowie pouch

cute little bowie pouch :)
wahh ini pouch terkecil yang pernah saya buat :)
karena bentuknya kecil dengan warna2 lembut + pita di tengah jadi saya seperti lihat potongan kue kalau lihat pouch ini :p

for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

robotic pouch

 robotic pouch datang lagii
kali ini lebih feminin karena pingky - pingky :p
ehh tapi maskulin juga karena ada kumisnya
hihihihi :p

for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

IC @ Launch rumah inspirasi MSL

ps : all the photos taken from mbak wildasari hoste :)
thanks mbak wildaa :*

indonesian crafter are invited to lanch rumah inspirasi martha stewart living
on east mall grand indonesia 2nd floor . next to gramedia book store :)

inside the 'house'

mbak wilda - mbak atha 'barloca sahoku' - mbak dini 'kupunya handmade' - me - mbak cilya 'sheshe butik'

oma2 origami - me - mbk dini 'kupunya handmade' - kak puri 'ideku handmade' - mbak cilya 'sheshe butik' -  mbak atha 'barloca sahoku'
for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

Jun 13, 2012

bag bag bag

some of the bags I ever made
a couple months ago :p
its all sold out anyway :)

for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

indonesian crafter @ MSL magazine

proud being in this community :)
and our 4th gathering is on martha stewart living magazine this month :)

for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com

5th indonesian crafter gathering + nirmana award

itsaa late post
now it's mid of june and i just post a gathering in last may :p
but its okay..

its our routine gathering held once a month
this gathering held in fx sudirman :)
and we learn to make oshibana was taught by mbak sri alderina
we were sooo excited, cause we never make it before :)

andd im come late 2 hours later -----____------ hihihi
soo my oshibana creationis all of a sudden , just cut the flower and leaf , glued, the taraaaa done :p

ps : photos from mbak wildasari hoste , so credits for her :), thanks mbak wilda :*

this the result :)
cute right?
mine? its the second from the right

 cutie nafnaf :)

the gathering is coincided with nirmana award event
and indonesian crafter had a booth in nirmana award community to introduced to the public about us :)

this is indonesian crafter's booth on nirmana award fx sudirman

 mbak indah mochie2 felt - teh mega dewi - mbak windhy jumba jamba - mbak chessie - mbak rina oshibana - me - mbak nuning bbc

and this the pict when mbak chessie and mbak indah present about indonesian crafter in nirmana award :)

heartbeat :p

indonesian crafter had a mini workshop sponsored by mochie - mochie felt
the workshop 'matryoshka keychains' was attract a lot of people and other community to participate in this workshop
until we run out of places  :p 

what a day :)
soo happy :)

andd the last pict - mbak ina from inaku
love the pict :)

sorry for many grammar errors as always :p
for questions, order: 08989798014 26D68E8C @retnoandriani @hayanohandmade hayanohandmade@gmail.com